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Power Loader e Regina di Aliens animati in stop motion: si o no?
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Power Loader e Regina di Aliens animati in stop motion: si o no?

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view post Posted on 28/12/2018, 11:28 by: Hippo


Per lo scontro finale fra la Regina e l'elevatore, furono alternate riprese con i modelli a grandezza naturale del Power Loader e dell'animatronic di Stan Winston con pupazzi in miniatura, con funzioni meccaniche e manovrati con bastoni e fili.

Ma fu presa in considerazione anche l'animazione stop motion, o a passo uno. già utilizzata da Cameron in Terminator. Per ragioni tecniche,di tempo e di budget,fu deciso però di non impiegarla.

Tratto da Monster Legacy:
Stop-motion was initially considered, but ultimately discarded for budget and practical reasons. “As a director, I find it tough to deal with stop-motion,” Cameron recalled. “I was very happy with what was done on The Terminator , but by that point in the story we were dealing with a mechanical device and I didn't feel the look of stop-motion violated anything we'd already done. I was a little more worried about it with Aliens ; the scenes involving the Alien Queen were very important, and what we were trying to do was create a real and believable character. Plus, when we started to analyze the types of shots we'd be doing we realized that most of them would require fairly quick action — turns and spins and rapid strides — the sorts of moves that in stop-motion would cause so much displacement per frame that the arms and legs would end up strobing. There are things you just can't do in any other way, though, so originally the plan was to have a rod puppet version and a stop-motion version. But eventually it got down to budget and it became a choice of either one or the other. Given that, the rod and cable-actuated puppet seemed more appealing for a number of reasons. One was that I had never worked with that kind of thing before and I wanted to fool around with it and see what could be done.

Negli Anni Ottanta,e fin quasi ai primi del Novanta, l'animazione in stop motion (e la sua versione leggermente raffinata,la go motion) ancora faceva mostra di sè.

L'Impero colpisce ancora,Robocop, Il ritorno de lo Jedi, La Cosa, Howard il papero,Tesoro mi si sono ristretti i ragazzi.Persino per The Abyss e Jurassic Park, tra i primi film a ricorrere ad effetti in CGI,si pensò ad un impiego dell'animazione a passo uno.

La domanda è : avreste voluto che tale tecnica fosse utilizzata per la lotta fra la Regina e il Power Loader? Oppure no?

Edited by Hippo - 29/12/2018, 09:01
6 replies since 28/12/2018, 11:28   148 views